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The Status and Future of the Phase-out of Incandescent Lamps--A Statement from Lightingeurope
Release time:2018-10-25    Times of browsing:1352
        In early December 2017, the European Lighting Industry Association issued a statement entitled "Phase-out of halogen lamps: Where do we stand and what are the next steps?", which Waterjun considers to be of positive reference value to manufacturers of lamps and light sources in China.

        Many halogen lamp models are gradually withdrawing from the European market. However, not halogen lamps of every type are banned from sale in Europe.

A: supply voltage halogen directional lighting bulb

         (Mains voltage halogen directional lamps)

        Since September 1, 2016, when the third phase of the Regulation (EU) No. 1194/2012 came into effect, halogen-directed light bulbs with a power supply voltage (230V/50Hz) have not met the requirements of eco-design and are not allowed to be put on the market, and have in fact been banned.

B: supply voltage halogen non directional lighting bulb

        (Mains voltage halogen non-directional lamps)

        On September 1, 2018, Stage 6 of the Regulations (EU) No 244/2009 (including Supplementary Directives 859/2009/EC and 1428/2015/EU) will come into force. Since then, halogen non-directional light bulbs with power supply voltage (230V/50Hz) will not meet the requirements of eco-design and will not be put on the market, and will in fact be banned.

        The exceptions mentioned in the above requirements under existing regulations are linear R7s and G9 beads, for which only the ecological design requirements of Phase 5 of the above directive are met. Therefore, the above products that meet the requirements of the fifth stage can continue to be sold in the market.

C: low pressure halogen bulb

(Low voltage halogen lamps)

         Starting from September 1, 2018, low-pressure non-directional halogen lamps are required to meet the requirements of the Regulation (EU) No 244/2009 Phase 6 Eco-design (equivalent to Class B at this stage of energy efficiency). Starting from September 1, 2016, low-pressure directional halogen lamps are required to meet the requirements of the third phase of 1194/2012/EU (equivalent to Class B at this stage of energy efficiency), including its supplementary regulation 1428/2015/EU. In comparison with these time points, the required bulbs can still be sold and circulated in the market.

General remarks on the statement:

        Not every type of halogen bulb in the market has one to one LED refurbishment replacement products.

        The application of the new (future) ecological design requirements is only valid for products that are put on the market after the new regulations come into force. The new requirements will not affect the existing inventory on the effective date.

        The above-mentioned energy efficiency levels relate to the current lighting product energy efficiency labeling regulations (EU) No 874/2012 (including the revised EU No 518/2014 and 27/254) issued on July 12, 2012.

        This statement considers only the currently applicable Code (EC) No 244/2009, the comprehensive version of 245/2009) and the comprehensive version of Regulation (EU) No 874/2012, 1194/2012; it does not consider any future or forthcoming legislation.
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